• Tree in glass orb

    1. Respect is earned, not freely given. It’s a two-way street. In order to receive, you must give. It’s the golden rule, and this applies in many aspects of life. 2. You do not owe an abuser anything, especially your silence. Take it from someone who’s been there at least four times. It’s a scary ...
  • 1013

    I know a handful of languages. English is my first, Greek is my second, and if I had to, I could make my way around Italy and France with no problem. I love being a polyglot, but it does come with its annoyances. 1) “Say something” First of all, don’t demand things from me. And ...
  • https://pixabay.com/en/paper-block-leave-note-expression-3406864/

    I am a writer. I make lists for everything: grocery trips, summer plans, story-planning, things I want to try. My bucket list, the things I want to do one day before I die, is the longest list I keep. I’ll bet that is true for most normal people. However, I have another list I keep. ...