Ramsgate Encounter: Part 7

“Stop the carriage! Georgiana!”
Darcy leaped from the carriage before the driver fully braked. The horses whinnied in protest, and the driver cursed as he attempted to keep them in place. But Darcy paid no mind to what his servants were doing, as he sprinted up the stairs of the Ramsgate home where his sister resided. He banged on the front door, so loud onlookers from the road stopped to watch the spectacle.
“Good afternoon, sir. How can I—“ Darcy pushed the maid to the side and surged forward into the foyer.
“See here! I will call the manservant to throw you out. How dare you enter the Darcys’ home without permission.”
Fitzwilliam turned and faced the maid. “I am Fitzwilliam Darcy, master of this house and all properties under my name.”
The young girl blanched and lowered herself to the ground. “Mr. Darcy, sir. I did not realize it was you. Forgive me, sir! I did not mean to insult you.”
He shook his head and gripped her by the shoulders to pull her up. “Not now, miss, we have not a moment to spare. What is your name?”
“Belinda, sir.” She sniffled. Her hand reached into the pocket of her apron and pulled out a handkerchief.
“Listen to me, Belinda. You have been serving my sister, Georgina Darcy for the past few months, correct?”
Belinda nods.
“Alright. First, I need you to stay here in this house and not leave unless I instruct you. Do not obey anyone else’s orders for the time being. Second, please lead me to where Georgiana is right now. It is most urgent that I see her. Tell me, is she still in the house?”
”Of course, sir. I will do everything. Uh, Miss Darcy is in the garden. This way, master Darcy.”
Belinda trotted down the hallway with Darcy on her heels. “She is taking a turn among the flowers with Mr. Wickham, I believe.”
Darcy did not wait for Belinda to continue her explanation and rushed out the French doors, only to stop when faced with Georgiana and Wickham. The pair were arm in arm and appeared to have been returning to the house.
The siblings embraced. Each gripped the other tightly and did not release until a full minute had passed. Relief flooded through Darcy. Thank God I got to you in time. I love you, Georgiana.
“Fitzwilliam, I had hoped you would visit me, but I never thought you would arrive within the week. Brother, I believe you are acquainted with Mr. Wickham. George and I have some news—”
“Georgiana, go to your room.” Her body tensed at the iciness in his words. Darcy pushed his sister from him and into Belinda’s arms. “Stay there with Belinda until I come to get you. You are not allowed to leave until then.”
“But brother, I—” she protested, but he held up a hand to silence her.
“Now, Georgiana Darcy.”
She flinched from the full use of her name but went with Belinda without further question. But not before she flashed Wickham one last anxious glance.
When the two women left, Darcy focused back on his original target. “Wickham.”
The scoundrel, for his part, looked startled at Darcy’s sudden appearance. Good. I hope you quiver in fear of me. Just wait until I am finished with you. You will wish you had never met me.
“Darcy. I should not be surprised that you would show up here. In fact, I am rather glad you made it before the wedding.” Wickham’s attempt at a calm demeanor vanished as Darcy’s fist hit his cheek.
“Uh!” He stumbled back while Darcy pulled him upright again by his lapels.
“You scum! Of all people, why Georgiana? She is a child, Wickham!”
Wickham struggled against Fitzwilliam and stood to his full height. “Darcy, listen for a minute. I never attended to marry Georgie.”
How dare he admit to the seduction so casually! That bloody menace! His face reddened with newfound fury as he released an onslaught of blows.
“Get out! Get out of my sight before I commit an act I regret. If I ever see you again—near my sister again—I will not hesitate to dispose of you.”
George flung his arms up to catch the majority of Darcy’s hits and ran out of the hallway into the morning sitting room. Fitzwilliam did not give up his fight and pursued him.
“I said listen, damn you! I never touched Georgiana or intended to elope with her.”
Darcy stopped his punches momentarily in shock at Wickham’s statement.
“What utter nonsense you are spouting! Do you think I would believe such a blatant lie? Only an idiot would take your word, Wickham.”
The cad raised his hands in defense. “I do not expect you to. But I need to tell you what happened so you can get rid of a snake in your house. Or did you think I found out where Georgiana was on my own without assistance?”
That was enough to pause Darcy’s anger. Very few individuals knew of Georgiana taking up residence in Ramsgate. He has been visiting for weeks and that means…
“I take it Mrs. Younge was aware of your presence.”
Wickham sighed. “Perceptive as always. Yes, she knew. In fact, she contacted me first. I was not even aware Georgiana had moved to Ramsgate before Wilhelmina reached out. I know you may not believe me, Darcy, but this was never my idea.”
“You are correct. I do not trust a word you say. Mrs. Younge, her references were…?”
“Forged? Quite well done, too. She never started a job without making sure her documents were the best possible. Her schemes are thought out, and she implements them thoroughly. Although, she likely never thought Georgiana would have skewed her plan.” Darcy watched as Wickham walked to the door. “That is all that occurred, Darcy. I will take my leave now and ‘get out’ as you asked me to earlier.”
“Wait.” The man halted his exit but did not release his grip on the handle to his quick escape.
“What do you want in return for your silence?” The words rang out in space and hung in the tense atmosphere, with neither of them speaking after.
“Ha ha ha!” Wickham laughed. Darcy frowned at him and curled his hands into fists, ready to strike again.
“Darcy, you were never this bad of a listener before. I do not want anything from you. I will take payment from you for other things, but not for this.” George straightened up, the laughter wiped from his face. “I would never have gone through with taking Georgiana’s dowry. Believe it or not, it does not matter to me. Goodbye, Darcy.”
After Wickham left, Darcy fled the drawing room to the second floor. As he had never visited Georgiana here before, he was not familiar with the layout of the house and did not know which room to enter.
“Belinda.” He called out.
The maid popped her head out out of Georgiana’s room. “Sir?”
Darcy knocked on the door frame and stepped over the threshold.
Georgiana lay on her bed with her head in her pillow to muffle her sobs. She looked up when his weight dipped into the mattress.
He sat on the edge and held his arm open. His sister flung herself into him and gripped his lapels in her fists as her cries continued. Darcy pet her hair, an act he had done for her when she was a young child and needed comfort. I have not seen her cry this much since father passed. Dear God, I hope she recovers from this. Georgiana had always been a quieter girl, but happy nevertheless. My hopes were that taking a house would give her an opportunity to flourish in society. As he felt her tremble in his embrace, Darcy feared she would withdraw more and seclude herself until her debut.
”Fi-fitzwilliam. Hic. Why would you send him away? And why did George leave without saying goodbye to me? Did you not let him?”
Darcy reached into his pocket and drew out a handkerchief for her to wipe her nose.
“Georgie, Wickham…he is not a good man. I have known that for a long time, but I never told you because I did not fathom anything like this would have happened. Had I exposed the truth about him earlier, you would not have been deceived by him.”
“Deceived? By George? What do you mean, brother? He never tricked me. Every time we met, he was kind and paid his respects to me, like any other gentleman.”
Fitzwilliam pushed her back to look her in the eyes. They were red and shining with unshed tears. I have to say it. I am sorry Georgie.
“Wickham is a gambler, carouser, and frequently is in his cups. After we left university he never pursued the clergy as our father wanted and he told me he was to go into law. Yet here he is, years later, without an attorney’s degree. He met an unmarried woman alone, without a chaperone multiple times with the aim of eloping with her and her fortune. Does that sound like a gentleman to you, Georgiana?!” Darcy thundered.
Towards the end of his speech, he could feel the anger well inside of him again to a boiling level. His younger sister cried harder, and he pulled her to him once more.
“It will be alright, Georgie. I will fix it and make it right. Sh, sh.” He held her until she calmed enough to fall asleep. Now to take care of the second fiend. The servant girl had not left her post out in the hallway and came when he summoned her.
“Belinda, where may I find Mrs. Younge?”
“Mrs. Younge is often in the study writing her correspondence.”
“Fine. I will go to her there. If you could be so good as to check her bedchamber and see if she is in there for me?”
She curtsied and dashed away. “Yes, sir. At once!”
Again, he had to search the first floor for the study, but thankfully, the layout of the first floor meant there were only so many viable options for its location. When he entered the study, it was vacant. Quite clean as well. The entire space looked as if no one had used it for weeks. A shrinking sensation settled in the pit of Darcy’s stomach.
“Master Darcy.” Belinda stood outside the study’s open door and peered inside. He waved her in and settled into the chair behind the desk.
“Mrs. Younge was not in her quarters. All of her items are missing, including her trunk.”
He rested his chin on his hand and closed his eyes. “That will be all, Belinda. You may return to your normal duties.” Of course, both blighters would escape unfazed, while poor Georgiana has to carry the burden of her disappointment. I need to write a letter. The paper and ink were still on top of the desk, arranged for the next inhabitant to use. His hand penned the beginning of a scathing warning.
Dear Lady Cecilia,
I hope you, Uncle, and the Viscount are all in good health. Aunt, as you are aware, I hired a companion for Georgiana this past year. I’ve found out by an intimate source news of an alarming nature. Pray, I ask that you warn others in search of a companion or governess to not hire one Mrs. Younge. She….
Editor: Michelle Naragon