• 1965

    Every November, there is a goal-oriented writing event called NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. The goal is to write 50,000 words in 30 days. Starting on November 1st, participants can go onto the website and keep track of their word count. It keeps track of your progress, shows the average word count you need ...
  • Photo Credit @ Лариса Мозговая

    Dear 17-year-old Jordan, I won’t ask how you’re doing right now. 16 was an awkward year for us, so I already know the answer. I know that it seems like life is out to get you. I wish I could promise that the next four years are so much easier. I can’t. But I can ...
  • https://www.freeimages.com/photo/coffee-book-session-1567699

    Okay, I have taken the first step in my writing journey. I’ve come out of the closet, so to speak. I have proclaimed myself as a writer for all the world to see. Now what? Good question. I was reading about the steps needed to create a wonderful … not good or nice, but wonderful ...
  • 1924

    Are spirit guides real? This is a topic open to debate because a majority of the time one never sees their spirit guide. It’s like something one has to take on faith. In my personal experience, I know spirit guides are real. Mine made it a point to appear to me. Then, because I still ...
  • 1556

    Hi. My name is Jordan Ballard. I am a sophomore in college, and I am a procrastinator. I will put assignments off until the night before, ignore the due dates, and pretend that I don’t have homework to avoid doing it. I’m sure you’ve done it. Your friends have done it. Procrastination is a fact ...
  • 3096

    One of the worst parts about trying to write a story is getting stuck. It happens to everyone at some point. You see the scene that you want to write, but the words aren’t coming. If they are coming, nothing sounds right. Sometimes, you have a scene that you’re trying to add, but it doesn’t ...
  • https://www.tattooconcierge.com/the-guide/discussions/

    So, you want to get a tattoo? Me too. “A tattoo is a true poetic creation and is always more than meets the eye. As a tattoo is grounded on living skin, so its essence emotes a poignancy unique to the mortal human condition.” – V. Vale  As a heavily tattooed person, I totally understand ...