Beyond The Grave – Eight

Holly, excited to end midterms with A’s in her classes, decided to surprise her parents by driving home rather than heading to Miami with her sorority sisters for spring break. She knew it would be all mayhem and debauchery. Plus, Zack asked her specifically if she were going so they could finish what she had started the night she came to his dorm.
“Zack, I can’t.” She liked him too much to be ‘giving the milk away for free.’
Her mother always warned her about boys. “You give them an inch; they’ll take a mile. Never give it up for free. Make sure you have a ring on your finger and a date set for a wedding. And be sure he comes from a good family with money. Your taste is expensive, and God forbid you become pregnant before you get married. May as well kiss any self-respecting man goodbye. They’ll be plenty of time for romance once you’re finished with college.” Her mom would bless herself and kiss her thumb. Holly never asked her why she made the gesture.
Holly packed a bag and headed down to her car. The 2006 Volvo was a graduation present from her parents. Class valedictorian, head of the cheer squad, volleyball master, and VP of her senior class council, she was awarded a full-ride at Benedictine College in Missouri. Not Holly’s first choice, but her parents talked her into accepting it.
“Girls would give their eye teeth back in the day to attend the once all-boys Catholic college,” her mother reminded Holly daily while they ate dinner as a family. She finally relented.
Holly quickly became popular on campus. Though her southern accent and long blonde hair made her look innocent, Holly decided in her sophomore year to change her image. This seemed to grab the attention of a group of boys whose parents belonged to the elitist clan in Washington, DC. Spoiled, rich boys who never had to work for anything, while their parents passed congressional laws that didn’t benefit anyone but their own kind. She wasn’t impressed.
Holly’s dad and mom were expert equestrians and breeders of racehorses. Holly didn’t want for anything while she was growing up. However, her parents taught her about work ethics and the value of a dollar.
It started on a dare. Holly’s sorority sisters found out she was a virgin during a drunken night of Truth or Dare. They ‘dared’ her to walk into the fraternity house and give one of the sleeping guys a blow job.
Drinking shots of tequila, Holly’s inhibitions fell to the wayside. Stumbling across the campus lawn, she was surprised when the side door of the boy’s dorm opened. Up the stairs, she went holding onto the banister with both hands. The first door she came to, she turned the knob. Holly could see one bed was empty from the hall light, but the other one was occupied with a boy named Zack. She quietly tiptoed into the room. As Holly peered down at Zack, something stirred inside her.
Slowly moving Zack’s blankets aside, Holly was surprised to see he slept in the nude. Makes things easier, she thought, giggling out loud. She stared at his naked body for a full minute as she gathered up the courage to touch his flaccid penis. It’s so small. But she remembered what one of her friends told her, ‘it may look small at first, but it grows to be quite thick and large almost as soon as you touch it.’
Holly knelt down on the side of the bed. Her fingers gingerly touching the head of his penis. Zack let out a low moan. Holly ducked down as he moved onto his back; legs splayed out. Perfect position.
“Well, here goes nothing,” Holly whispered to herself, and she went down on Zack. As she worked her mouth around the growing penis, Zack started moving his hips in a rhythm. He grabbed her head to keep her down; Holly realized Zack was awake. She began to gag. She did the only thing she could think of to do in that moment of panic; she bit down.
“God damn it, girl!” Zack yelled out. “What the hell?”
Holly jumped up and ran out of the room, down the stairs, and across the campus yard where her sorority sisters were all waiting for her. Whooping and hollering as she ran closer to them. “Well, did you do it?” they asked in unison.
“I did!” Holly was breathless.
“Who was the lucky guy?” asked Sylvia
“Zack, but he woke up in the middle of it.”
“Did you finish him off?” asked another sorority sister
“Sort of.” Holly wasn’t sure if she should tell them she had to bite him because he wouldn’t let her go, and she almost vomited.
“Well, you either did, or you didn’t? There is no ‘sort of’ answer.” Sylvia snarked.
“When he woke up, he grabbed my head, and I almost threw up. I was gagging on that thing.”
“Oh, I hate when they do that. It’s so annoying. It ruins the whole experience. We’re not all deep throaters.” Piped in another sister.
The girls all laughed.
“It counts since you at least tried to finish it up.” They all nodded their heads.
“Did Zack recognize you?”
Holly wasn’t sure if he did or didn’t. She just knew he liked it.
“Hate to cut this short, ladies, but I’m going to take a cold shower and hit the bed.” Holly said.
One of the sisters, a known lesbian, walked over to Holly. “I can take care of you if you’d like. Cold showers are awful. I could warm you up.”
Holly thought about it for a moment. All eyes were on her to see what she’d say. After all, college was for exploring all the wonderful life experiences a girl needed to enjoy while away from her family.
“Not tonight, but thanks. Raincheck?”
Dejected, the girl turned around and headed back to the dorm. “If anyone else is horny, hit me up. I’m sure I’ll be awake for a while.”
Holly awoke the next day, feeling queasy and embarrassed by her actions. Her decision to put her nose in her studies until spring break and avoid running into Zack was easier than she thought. No more ‘Truth or Dare’ nights for her. As she lay in bed every night afterward, saying the rosary and asking God’s forgiveness, Holly decided she needed to go home and be with her family.
The week away from her sorority sisters made her miss them. After a few days at home, she wished she had gone to Miami. Zack had called her and asked her out. They decided to meet up the following Saturday. So, when she said goodbye to her folks that Friday morning, the anxiety to get back to college grew. She knew she would be losing her virginity to Zack the following day, and the thought of him made her hormones rage.
She drove to Louisville and stopped at a Circle K. She purchased a few packets of condoms, a Dr. Pepper, and some slim Jim’s. Topping off her gas tank, she selected another CD and headed onto Interstate 70 going west. Seven more hours, and she’d be home. Funny how she now thinks of college as her home. Shrugging at the thought, she took a bite of her beef stick.
As Holly approached the Blue Springs exit in Missouri, she knew she only had forty-five minutes before hitting campus. She looked at the gas gauge. Better fill up in Blue Springs. She pulled off the interstate and drove down the ramp. With the sun setting, pulling off the road relieved her of the sun glare.
While she filled up her tank, she ran into the store to use the bathroom and grab another Dr. Pepper. When she came out, she completed her purchase and decided to hang out for a few minutes to let the sun set enough to see the road.
A tow truck slowly pulled into the gas station and parked next to Holly’s Volvo opposite the pumps. It was a rusty old Dually, similar to one her dad had on the ranch. As the old guy walked over to the pump, Holly, who was leaning up against the back of her car, said, “What year is your Dually?”
“’65,” said the old guy.
“My daddy has one similar; they seem to have rusted in the same places.”
“They sure are tough pieces of metal, wouldn’t you say?” Holly asked, trying to keep the conversation going.
“I suppose. She’s been good to me,” Old Hank said as he looked over the gas pump to see who was making small talk.
Pretty little thing was his first thought. His second thought wasn’t so kind. It’d been a while since he’d had some fun. His mind ran through a quick fantasy of him lying next to her, naked while they did dirty things to each other. His mother would tell him they were dirty, though he wasn’t sure why. He always thought he’d died and went to heaven. He called it the Agony and the Ecstasy.
“Well, you have yourself a wonderful evening, sir. I need to get back on the road.”
“Yeah, yeah, you too.”
Old Hank watched as Holly drove away and headed west on the onramp.
Holly called her best friend, one of her sorority sisters, letting her know she was about forty-five minutes from the campus.
“Great. We should go get a burger, and I’ll tell you all about Miami.”
“Did you see Zack?”
“Yeah, he was the typical slut guy. Drunk girls hanging all over him. He had a good time.”
Holly was glad she bought the condoms. Lord knows what he may have picked up screwing strange girls.
“I was bored and wished I had gone with you guys, but I got some riding in. I’ll definitely be going next year. Okay, well, we’ll talk more when I get there. Love ya.” Holly hung up.
The truck lights shining into her rearview mirror got closer to her back fender. They were brighter than the setting sun had been. She flipped the mirror to nighttime. Damn, get off my ass, buddy. But when the truck tapped her bumper, she screamed. “What the hell are you doing?” she screamed out. She tried to step on the gas, but the truck kept up, hitting her bumper again. Holly was afraid if the truck hit her any harder, she’d lose control. She thought about pulling over but had heard horror stories of young women being kidnapped and raped.
As the truck pulled up beside her, she recognized it as the old guy from the gas station. She watched as the passenger side bumper got closer to her car. She slammed on the brakes, but by doing so, she fishtailed. Her front bumper hit the side of the truck, and she started to spin. Her airbags began to deploy, first from the steering wheel, then the sides popped out. The Volvo rolled a couple of times and landed on its roof.
When Holly came to, she had been stripped of her clothes. The air was stifling. Too dark to see her hand in front of her face, she tried to stand up. “Hello? Is anyone here? What do you want from me? Where am I? Anyone?”
Her head was throbbing. Must have hit it when the car rolled. Then she heard the breathing. She wasn’t alone. “Why are you doing this to me?” She screamed.
As Special Agent Keezar sat in Old Hank’s office, she glanced around at the clutter everywhere. As her eyes landed on a hook by the door, she thought to herself, Why would he need night vision goggles? Keezar made a note to discuss it with Rodriquez.