
Snow-covered street

The white blanket of snow covers the earth. Nostalgic smells of pine trees seep through windows. The season we anticipate draws close. Have we been naughty, or good? Can we ...


The text "In Deep Water by Jessi Hoff" is set against a deep-water background.

In Deep WaterIn Deep Water: Chapter 1 In Deep Water: Chapter 2 In Deep Water: Chapter 3 In Deep Water: Chapter 4 In Deep Water: Chapter ...


Two people in hospital room. One in bed. The other sitting next to the bed. Flowers out of focus in front.

Obtaining quality sleep is a challenge. Factor in alarms, excessive noise, artificial illumination, and people waking you up, the idea of getting any shut-eye sounds impossible. Bodies need rest and ...

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  • Two people in hospital room. One in bed. The other sitting next to the bed. Flowers out of focus in front.

    Obtaining quality sleep is a challenge. Factor in alarms, excessive noise, artificial illumination, and people waking you up, the idea of getting any shut-eye sounds impossible. Bodies need rest and an opportunity to reset. In the hospital, it is paramount to recovery. Hindrances Hospitals hinder relaxation due to functioning as a 24-hour workforce. Patients are ...
  • The text "In Deep Water by Jessi Hoff" is set against a deep-water background.

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  • Snow-covered street

    The white blanket of snow covers the earth. Nostalgic smells of pine trees seep through windows. The season we anticipate draws close. Have we been naughty, or good? Can we count the smiles of those we’ve touched, Or do we use the days left to do more? Editor: Erynn Crittenden
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    Of course, it produced no change in temperature, but when the dust from the ring system pelted Ularma’s Orbital Station, it sounded like a massive thunderstorm and made Corry long to curl up in a warm blanket. The sand formed tiny rivulets on the domed window that comprised the ceiling and upper wall, working in ...
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