Creative Nonfiction
Inspiration Is Everywhere
Writing is a daunting task. Even a short story can stop a writer in their tracks. Nothing is original. Every plot is a collection ...Sundays with a New Friend
My worst year was undisputedly 2020. Being stuck in the house, working and dwelling in the same space day in and day out, I ...The Importance of Creativity
Many of us were encouraged to have fun and explore our imaginations in our early years. We scribbled, finger-painted, and sculpted Play-Doh. Our imaginative ...Intentional Joy
Pixar movies should come with warning labels before seeing them. It could read, “Will experience intense emotions and thoughts. BEWARE.” Once again, the franchise ...Tara and Her UJ (Uncle John)
My husband, John is horrified and is bombarding Juji (my sister) with too many questions. All because she is pregnant. What is she doing? ...A Sweet Beginning
It is a time of immense happiness. Our brother is coming back home from Canada for a quick visit. He has been away for ...The Wildcat
Our youngest sister, Juji, was born with her own rules, and demanded everyone follow them. To understanding her logic took some effort, but ultimately, ...The Village Headman
Daddy occasionally takes longer trips away from home, lasting a few days. Rohtak, a small town close to Delhi, offered a unique experience. A ...Growing Up -The Bangalore Years
The transition to Bangalore is epic. All our furnishings and heavy household items are to be sold. Even then, a moving company moves heavy ...