Health & Wellness
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My Year Of “Yes”
While 2018 definitely had its fair share of lows, it was an incredible year overall. In the beginning of the year, I decided to ... Please, Be Kind To Retail Workers This Christmas
Christmas is an interesting time of year. It’s a time for family, giving, and it’s supposed to fill a ...A Modest Proposal For Preventing The Children Of Apartments From Being Obnoxious And To Validate And Assist Pet Owners
It is a frustrating experience to those who have animals and live in apartments, or other close quarters, to hear the beating and pounding ...What My November Thankful Challenge Taught Me About Gratitude
As the start to the holiday season, November is often the time we use to focus on gratitude. It is the time we try ...Top 10 Gifts to Get the Beauty Lover in Your Life
Halloween is over, and that means the holiday season is in full swing. If you’re like me, you hate Christmas shopping. Yeah, I said ...- Design, Fashion & StyleMediaSelf-Help & RelationshipsFictionPoetryEnvironmentMemoir & AutobiographiesHealth & WellnessHome & GardenUncategorizedCooking, Food & Drink
The Library: A Secret Treasure
When most people think of the library they have an outdated version of how libraries used to be. For myself, I remember the card ... - EnvironmentHealth & WellnessTravelCultureMediaParenting & FamilyMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & GardenScience & Technology
Joints and Rollerblades
I loved rollerblading as much as I loved reading. Flying around the skating rink’s smooth, yellow floor. My blonde hair whipped my face as ... - Parenting & FamilyHome & GardenEnvironmentScience & TechnologyHealth & WellnessTravelCurrent Affairs & PoliticsCulture
Global Warming
Global warming is a phrase most of us have heard, more so recently. The weather and the environment are changing and scientists have facts ... - TravelCultureParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsHome & GardenEnvironmentHealth & WellnessUncategorized
Distracted Driving
Each day in the United States, approximately 9 people are killed and more than 1,000 injured in crashes that are reported to involve a ... - Parenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & GardenEnvironmentHealth & WellnessCultureCreativity
September: Self-Improvement Month
As summer comes to a close, we prepare for back to school, fall, holidays and various other activities. Most don’t know September is self-improvement month. What exactly is ...