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What Is Your Attitude?
We go through life and never really stop to think about how much our attitude affects the people around us and us. When have ... Is Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia Caused by Genetic or Environmental Factors?
Let’s take a look at how the developing nervous system is affected by childhood-onset schizophrenia (COS), and how genetics vs. environmental factors influence a ...Three Ways To Coupon When Grocery Shopping
For many people using coupons when you grocery shop is an easy way to save money. If you are not couponing yet, now is ...- EnvironmentHealth & WellnessCultureParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & Garden
Why Family Meals are Important
Family meals are an excellent way for parents to connect with children. There are several studies that show many benefits of eating with your ... What Does ‘Earth Day’ Mean To You?
Most people know about the holiday that is celebrated in April every year. This national holiday is known as Earth Day. Earth Day means different ...DNA Test Comparison
I have always been curious about my family history. We were the first Mormon converts in England during the mid-1800s. My ancestress ...Understanding The Difference Between Psychopaths And Sociopaths
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) does not recognize the terms psychopath or sociopath as their own unique disorder within the text of the Diagnostic ...Six Ways To Get A Good Night’s Sleep
Sleep is a vital tool to ensure the human body is functioning properly. Everyone needs sleep, and quality sleep is essential for your health. ...To Those Who Doubt Me
To those who doubt me, I want to say thank you. Thank you for giving me something to fight against. I do my best ...Campus Rape. How Safe Are You?
Let’s talk about campus rape for a minute. I’m sure everyone remembers the Rolling Stone article about a University of Virginia student known only ...