• A clear blue jar

    Lying here daydreaming Gazing up at the sky Wondering how We perceive hues?Why is our sky blue? And why say “feeling blue” When it’s not true  The blue I see Is no one’s fool  So why tease me     I swear, every face in the crowd  Wore your forever smile  Which shines on every dial  Like yesteryear’s last mile  Facing your time in style  Happy faces, new and ...
  • A piece of deadwood inside an ossuary

    I was a lonely lavender bushWith a pretty fairy-wing flowerNow!I am a rotting piece of deadwood. Last summerMy minder went on a holidayAnd left my hanging-basket homeIt was left to dry up and crumble. After!He dug out my dying rootsAnd tried to resurrect meBeyond redemptionI did not arise again. Now!In my wrinkled nakednessHe ashamedly hides ...
  • A lone beetle

    I tip-toe among the little crittersThat wriggle and flitter  Along our shared grassy track  They like to stop and have a chat  And proudly pose for a photo  When I am on my tummy down low  Today I met a beetle called Bertha A lady who was frank and earthy And like my grandma, her family came first  She protected her offspring through ...