Tag: voices
Writers Say…
When spoken wordsBecome your demiseKnowingly express yourselfBy reducing the level ofConfusion withOpen communicationAllow confusionTo becomeConversationWhich guides you toConservationOf thoughts, feelings and emotionsThe process that minimizesWords and createsActionsWith no directionBut leads toA fractionOf the confusionThat comes with totalExpressionOf all your emotions Photo taken by C. Nicole Charles- Design, Fashion & StyleCreativitySelf-Help & RelationshipsPoetryMemoir & AutobiographiesEntertainmentCultureLifestyle
Traumatic Truth
I stood frozen tears filled my eyes as I held my breath watching a black man take his last numbness covered my entirety what did I just see? was this man really killed in front of me? His eyes taciturn and vacant his face unflinching and callous his body his only weapon in ... Indebted
To you we owe Our freedom Gratitude And praise Small steps Defiant stance Made so we Could belong To you we owe Our opportunities Our voices Our legacy Persecuted for petty crimes Inaudible cries Noosed up Whooped, sold off You held on Carried strong So we could be born And we can ...