Please, Be Kind To Retail Workers This Christmas

Christmas is an interesting time of year. It’s a time for family, giving, and it’s supposed to fill a feeling of warmth and happiness within people. But on the flip side, it’s full of chaos and stress which tends to bring out the worst in people. And who gets to be the punching bags for millions of people trying to get the best presents for their loved ones? Retail workers.
Like any other job, retail has its stressful moments. But one of the things retail workers shouldn’t have to deal with for the holiday season (or just in general) is verbal abuse from customers. Throughout the year, workers meet their fair share of rude clients, but it’s during the holiday season where you see an influx. Don’t have something in stock? Prepared to get yelled at or berated. Assisting a customer, while another is vying for your attention? Tell them you’ll be with them in a moment, and watch an adult have a full-on toddler tantrum.
I get it, the holidays are a stressful time. But retail workers shouldn’t get the brunt of your crap just because you’re frustrated. Most of the time, things are out of the worker’s control. And I shouldn’t have to tell adults that retail workers are people. Just because you see their job as menial does not mean you get to treat them like shit. Workers are instructed not to take harsh words from customers personally. But when you’re working long hours and a good majority of your clientele are irritable, it’shard not to break down. A lot of them probably haven’t the time to go Christmas shopping themselves, worked Black Friday and will work Christmas Eve for last minute shoppers; instead of being home with their families.
So, I ask you, with two weeks left until Christmas, be kind and be aware of others. If the holidays have you stressed out, take a beat before lashing impulsively.
Happy Holidays