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The Wood Tiger
The Class of 1974. Eighteen and fresh outta high school, I was just as confused as the world around me. Old school parents said ... Discreet Trice
your non-verbal moaned I am yours sweet, vulnerable and... powerful at the same time- Self-Help & RelationshipsEnvironmentMemoir & AutobiographiesHealth & WellnessHome & GardenCultureLifestyleNonfictionMediaParenting & Family
Adult Children Of Narcissistic Abuse: The Struggle To Survive
If you are that partner in crime… please leave now and get your innocent, helpless children out of that toxic environment. Stop waiting. Things ... - CreativityEnvironmentParenting & FamilyHealth & WellnessSelf-Help & RelationshipsMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & GardenLifestyleCulture
The Importance Of Self-Care And Forming Positive Habits
At times we may feel as though we are hamsters on a wheel, feeling like we are overwhelmed with work, school or family obligations, ... - CultureEnvironmentHealth & WellnessMediaSelf-Help & RelationshipsLifestyleNonfictionCurrent Affairs & Politics
Certain Uncertainties
While brainstorming ideas for this week’s article, I thought about current events in our country. They are hard to miss. It seems that COVID-19 ... - EntertainmentCultureLifestyleCreativityEnvironmentParenting & FamilyHealth & WellnessSelf-Help & RelationshipsPoetryMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & Garden
30 Days Of Thankfulness And Gratitude
It is easy to get so consumed with our busy schedules in our day-to-day lives that we forget to take the time to step ... Here Lies The End Of Me
I’m not your girl That girl died long ago She’s been buried Along with the sins of the past I’m not yours to keep ...Candy Corn Wars- It Has Begun
Tim takes two fingers and smears a line of orange face paint on his left cheek. On his right cheek, he smears a line ...NaNo Rituals
As this year’s long march to the 50K mark begins, there are many plots and cups of coffee brewing. Everyone has their own style ...- EnvironmentMediaParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsLifestyleCurrent Affairs & PoliticsCultureNonfiction
Wake Up America: Solutions To America’s Turmoil
From radical riots to disastrous debates, America is full of unrest. Both ditches are full along the preoccupied road of revolving issues. What's causing ...