• Desolate landscape

    My mouth is a volcanoMy words destructiveto innocent bystanders. The poison in my wordsAiling and killingeverything around me. If anyone saved me?Before I lose control?It wouldn’t change. I’m a hopeless freak.An unnatural byproduct,cruel and pitiful. Despite my decay,my predestined doom,I must cling to hope. That hope is you,remind me who I am,pull me from my ...
  • Christmas tree, fireplace, nighttime

    Dear Santa, Thank you for giving people something to believe in. The excitement, the joy, the magic that people experience year after year is magnificent and memorable. So, Santa, I decided to ask several family members to share a Christmas memory or two and was delighted by their responses. I hope you enjoy them as ...
  • Say, I Will Do It!

    Bold faith-speech affects problematic circumstances and situations in unexpected ways. If your faith is the size of a mustard seed, believe God. Command positive results in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. Negative circumstances and situations working against you must move aside and give way to your victory! Romans 12:3 tells us, “God hath dealt ...
  • https://pixabay.com/en/paper-block-leave-note-expression-3406864/

    I am a writer. I make lists for everything: grocery trips, summer plans, story-planning, things I want to try. My bucket list, the things I want to do one day before I die, is the longest list I keep. I’ll bet that is true for most normal people. However, I have another list I keep. ...