Author: Lan Mai
Sleep To Heal
Obtaining quality sleep is a challenge. Factor in alarms, excessive noise, artificial illumination, and people waking you up, the idea of getting any shut-eye ...Following Through Is the Way
Humans communicate using words, actions, body language, tone, inflection, and volume. Small people may not be receptive to all these nuances. To them, spoken ...Three Hour Tylenol
Why does it feel like it takes forever and a day to acquire pain relief while in the hospital? I have knowledge of bedside ...Judgment Free Germs
Flying with little humans can be challenging. Delays, waits, lines, quiet voices, and nowhere to go, makes my patience grow wary. Traveling adults experience ...Village of Nurses
It takes a village. A common phrase when speaking of raising kids. I believe it also applies to nursing. Nurses have many roles in ...Mouth Shouts, Body Screams
When does a grown-up learn to express themselves in a manner acceptable to society? Imagine me, a 33-year-old, enters a coffee shop, and screams, ...Sleep Like Contortionists
The photo above is of my daughter sleeping. Yes, she is half on the couch, half standing, and fully snoozing. I have several pictures ...Affirmations from Within
Kids seem to have a bottomless pit of questions. “Mommy, do you like it?” “Daddy, look! Is it beautiful?” “Did I do a good ...No More Flowers
Hospitals are not always a fun place to be. Visitors liven the place up and make a sterile room more welcoming. As a bedside ...Fibbing the Numbers
“Five more minutes, kids,” I tell my four and six-year-old at the playground. “Aw, can we have an extra ten minutes?” asks the older ...