• ghost girl sitting in front of headstone

    I walk out of the gym alone into the blinding sunlight. I raise my arms to shield my face when the red glow of my hand catches my attention. Twisting my palm over, I look up at the sun through my fingers. Funny how your hand looks almost translucent when you hold it up to ...
  • 811

    Turkeytown, a small turkey community in California, was home to several thousand toms, hens, jakes, and jennies. These weren’t just any turkeys. Rather, they were talking turkeys, communicating like humans. Although, it wasn’t acceptable to reference them as being human-like since Turkeytown turkeys feared humans. Such comparisons weren’t well-received. The rafter of turkeys all lived in perfect harmony. Well, ...
  • Lawyer

    We were safe for the time being, but it was no time to let our guard down. Levi peeked through the bushes, trying his best not to make a sound. He looked both ways down the street. All we could see was the crossing guard, Mrs. Hankins, letting children pass. “All good,” he whispered. “Come ...
  • street sign

    Mom kept pacing the living room, back and forth, not saying a word. It would have been easier if she just had just come out and told us how disappointed she was, announced our punishments, and sent us to our rooms. She wanted us to apologize, to explain. Finally, I could not stand the silence ...
  • bullying

    I will never forget the moment I realized being nice is cooler than being popular. “Our 2012 Prom Queen is…. Brooke Settoon!” “What? There is no way…” There are many things I don’t remember about grade school, but I still can recall the times where I desperately wanted to fit in. I believed popularity was ...