Tag: calm
Nubian Goddess
Time ceases when she enters a room Her existence is the eminence of perfection She has a voice that quells your clamor For she is your – Nubian Goddess Her whisper settles your uneasiness Her touch transports your mind Allowing your body to transcend worlds For she is ...Coronavirus Chaos
We can’t control how COVID-19 will act, but we can control how we react. Our behavior during the coronavirus crisis matters. How we deal with each other and our social circles is just as important as how we deal with the virus. Behavior matters. There is a story out there in cyberland about how one ...- FictionEnvironmentMemoir & AutobiographiesHealth & WellnessHome & GardenCultureEntertainmentMediaCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & Relationships
Do Butterflies Symbolize A Deeper Meaning?
Butterflies are such beautiful creatures, but what does it mean when you see different colors of this creature or even just see them around you in your everyday life? The life cycle of a butterfly in itself is almost magical, and they are so graceful and beautiful. They are the representative of nature in a ...