Tag: celtic
Winter Solstice
The Holly King and Oak King duked it out for control of the seasons on Friday, December 21, 2018. Who won you asked? It was the Oak King, of course. In the Celtic wheel of life, the year is divided into two solstices and two equinoxes. The two solstices are the Winter Solstice and the Summer Solstice, ...All Souls Day – Dia De Los Muertos
Halloween has come and gone, and back to normal we go, or do we? Interesting that the next day after Halloween is All Souls Day or better known as the Day of the Dead. If you think about it, it is rather fitting. Samhain is the Celtic version of All Souls Day. It isn’t just ...How To Celebrate Mabon Or Better Known As the Autumn Equinox
I’m Celtic Wiccan. It’s basically a religion that honors and respects the earth. We understand that everything is connected and, when working in harmony, everything flows the way it was designed to by the source. I love Mabon, as the fall is my favorite season. The weather begins to cool down and the leaves turn ...