Tag: dystopia
A Dark the Sun Loved – Part One
Mila carried a baby in her arms. The street on which she limped down shrouded in the pitch of night. A cold breeze blew in and attacked her face, fingered her hair. She held the baby tighter to her chest. Cars still being eaten by flames from the inside out cast a weak orange glow ...- CultureEntertainmentDesign, Fashion & StyleCreativityParenting & FamilyFictionCurrent Affairs & PoliticsScience & Technology
Refresh: How They Came To Be – Part Two
Content Warning: Graphic sexual content Read: Part One His heart railed against his chest as though it wanted to escape. The gun felt weighted, heavy enough where the point of the muzzle dipped. But he did not shake. And there, Remus Harbor stood, all smiles, and a blank slate behind grey eyes. He revealed nothing. ...