Tag: Flying
My Mind is Flying
My mind is flying faster than an arrow These thoughts come and go Sometimes, they flow and glow Other times, they are lost in the undertow I am flying away from the encroaching Sahara And the noxious coal-burning smokestack era My eyes are stinging from yesterday’s mascara And my wings feel like the dying leaves of a Monstera On this polluted ...Soaring To Her Destiny
Don’t you walk away from me, Amber. You going to stop me, Father Jon? This is your destiny you’re trying to escape. White feathered wings flapped gently against the crystal blue sky, the breeze waving through her blonde ponytail. Freedom flowing through the fabric of her plain, light blue dress. His voice vanishes from her ...Royal & Justice
They stand on the edge, breathing in the ocean’s smell beneath them, their arms spread out. They take a deep breath, close their eyes; when they open their eyes, the wind captures their blonde hair, and it blows out behind them. On the palm of their hand, which they face upward, orbs of blue magic ...