Tag: foods
Roasted Onions
Catherine sat up in the creaking bed and rubbed her swollen eyes. This head cold had made the previous night a hard one to sleep through, and its presence lingered today. “Achoo!” She sneezed into her hands, got up, and washed them thoroughly in the washbasin, as mother had taught her. Afterwards, Catherine donned a ...5 Foods High in Vitamin D
Vitamin D is needed in the body for a variety of reasons. The body needs vitamin D for the immune system to fight off germs and for the bones, and blood cells, to name a few uses. Most vitamin D comes from sunlight, but there are also foods that can help keep your level of ...- Cooking, Food & DrinkEnvironmentHealth & WellnessCultureParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsHome & Garden
5 Top Foods For Your Body
There is so much confusing information on what we should or shouldn’t eat. Being healthy and healing our bodies is hard work! Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can get sidetracked with social events and lack of time. This short, simple list of foods will help you stay on track and feel great. 1. Oatmeal This is ...