Tag: improves communication
“Hey, you! Come play with me.” “I can’t see you, Can you see me?” “I see a blop. Is that you?” “I’m a blop. What form are you?” “I’m formless, but I’m dense. I’m all around you, Blop.” “I feel you, Dense. What can we play?” “Hide and seek?” Said Dense “You’re everywhere,” Said Blop, ...- CultureParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & GardenEnvironmentHealth & Wellness
Why Family Meals are Important
Family meals are an excellent way for parents to connect with children. There are several studies that show many benefits of eating with your children even if it is only a couple times a week. These meals not only benefit the children but help parents. If you want to reduce family tension and lower stress ...