• A black and white image of a boy with shaggy hair and glasses. His eye-brows are arched and he's gazing intently at the camera and half-smiling.

    He’s ten years old so: He knows everything, Aliens are real and Bigfoot is not, But to life outside of video games He applies no hard-won lessons. He hears only half of what is said If he isn’t wearing headphones And stomps everywhere he goes With feet too big for his growing body. His dreams ...
  • Tree in glass orb

    1. Respect is earned, not freely given. It’s a two-way street. In order to receive, you must give. It’s the golden rule, and this applies in many aspects of life. 2. You do not owe an abuser anything, especially your silence. Take it from someone who’s been there at least four times. It’s a scary ...
  • Photo Credit @ stinne24

    I like to think that Disney is synonymous with my childhood. Those movies and shows defined a period in my life, with many of those movies still on my Netflix watch list. Chances are, you probably shared that experience and have a few guilty pleasure Disney movies too. They’re known for some of the most ...