Tag: meeting people
The Mystery of Cash Castle: Part 18
As Nia walks down the hallway, she overhears Mr. Chav’s voice followed by two other unknown voices. Some of the words she hears are “dinner” and “kitchen.” Those must be the other guests Mr. Cash invited to the castle with Chav in the dining area. I think I can return the key and then come ...The Mystery of Cash Castle: Part 17
Once she locks the door, Nia puts her clothes back in her suitcase. Afterward, she blocks the closet door and sits on the edge of her bed. What the hell was that all about? A woman I never met before pops out of the closet! Thank God I didn’t undress when she came in. Does ...The Mystery of Cash Castle: Part 16
Hikari falls through the closet door and lands on the open top of a large pink suitcase. When she looks up, a frightened young woman holding pepper spray meets her eye. “Wait! I’m not an intruder. Mr. Cash invited me. I won’t hurt you!” The woman hesitates, backs away from the closet, and allows Hikari ...The Mystery of Cash Castle: Part 12
Nia continues walking towards the castle, looking over her shoulder in case Flip comes from behind. While doing so, she bumps into the leaves of a large olive tree, with several of the fruits falling to the ground. She hastily picks them up and puts them to the side of the walkway, making sure they ...- CreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsFictionHome & GardenEntertainmentEnvironmentTravel
Broken Promises – Part Three
Part One Part Two Dean knocked on the door and turned the knob. “Annie, I’m home,” he called out. Turning towards Nicki, he ushered her into the warm, spacious foyer. The aroma of whatever was cooking on the stove filled the air. From down the hall, a log swing door burst open. A young woman ...