Tag: poetry about relationships
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Angel Of Heart
Bewildered at life I look at myself When shall I cross This moment despair Hate fills my body Wretched design No fuel to continue Empty on air This passage I ponder Shall it bring light? Or darkness of mind Hollow I drift My conscious betrays me Ode to the night For glory I’m sure Will ... - EnvironmentLifestyleCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsPoetryMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & GardenEntertainment
Speak Silently
White walls book cases stone cold angel faces book spines calfskin moonlight bedim. Faux fur- garments bent page- parchment cold floor- marble closed door- startled. Perked ears on walls, mask the downfall. Speak less, hear more. Stop the folklore. Poison my tea- full glass, ...