• Red Fire Digital

    The late evening sky was clear as Emma sat at the far end of the New York City subway car. There was no one else in this dingy segment with her; she tried to avoid dozing off and missing her stop. The train conductor’s muffled voice announced the next stop. “THIS IS WEST 153RD STREET, ...
  • person screaming

    “Hadera, you okay?” A stocky man asked one of his longtime colleagues. Hadera jolted from her spot at her workstation as she looked up at the gentleman that startled her. “Oh um…yea, I’m fine. Just…I’m just really tired,” Hadera lied as she tried to adjust herself in her seat. Truth be told, she wasn’t feeling ...
  • person screaming

    “Somebody help!” A curdling scream came from a young girl’s lips. “Somebody, please! Help me!” The young girl thrashed and jolted in her restraints. She was bound to a metal chair and was screaming at the top of her lungs. Her blonde hair was stuck to her face as sweat came beaming down her face, ...