Tag: Success
Clockwork Courage
Standing on the precipice Anticipating the plungeYet, poisonous talons of fear Tear into my flesh Sinking deep into my hand,anesthetizing prefrontal cortex Pumping procrastination obstructing my veinswith anxiety and doubt Blue inky blood Childish scribblingsEtched underneath Ashen complexion and dark circlesSurrounding my eyes Fidgety fingers Ripping at nails and skinfingers bleeding The sound of the ...- Parenting & FamilyEnvironmentHome & GardenHealth & WellnessCooking, Food & DrinkCultureEntertainmentLifestyle
Successful People Do This Every Morning
Everyone dreams of being successful and prosperous in this world. Yet, we all ask the age-old question: Is there a certain formula or discipline that needs to be followed to become a successful person, or does it just happen? Finding out what makes your day successful is an individual preference, although there are steps you ... Conceit
Perfection, I must fulfill that void, The broken mirror of my essence, I must achieve the best, Nothing compares to this void, I boast in my pride, No credit will be given to my success, I’m better than all the rest, But once that measuring up catches to me, My purity is gone, It leaves ...- CultureDesign, Fashion & StyleScience & TechnologyNonfictionMediaMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & Garden
NaNoWriMo: 7 Tips for Success
Every November, there is a goal-oriented writing event called NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. The goal is to write 50,000 words in 30 days. Starting on November 1st, participants can go onto the website and keep track of their word count. It keeps track of your progress, shows the average word count you need ... 5 Tips for Being A Successful Online Student
Online students are often met with some harsh criticism of their decision to further their education online. People often assume that online students are lazy, not intelligent enough to complete their program in a traditional setting, or that the degree they earn will be worthless. Pursuing a college education online has become incredibly popular. It ...I Never Thought I Would Be A Good Leader
You can accomplish more than you think you can. Growing up as an anxious child and dealing with anxiety in my teen and young adult years, I never thought I would be a good leader. I was always the quiet one in the background that no one noticed, and many times, that’s how I preferred ...