• Dawson - New Mexico's Forgotten Town

    In New Mexico, Dawson was once a prosperous and growing town. Now it is a haunted cemetery. The town is gone, and all that is left are residents’ spirits. Witnesses report seeing ghostly figures walking in the cemetery, they disappear when people approach them, and reports of seeing lights bobbling add to the haunted reports. ...
  • witches5

    Spooky Urban Legends exist in every state; The Witch in the Woods. You have the famous Blair witch from Burkesville, MD. Although Burkesville loved the attention their famous witch brought to their little town, Blair wasn't real.
  • woman

    Queen Bevers - The witch from Victoria, Missouri. A beautiful woman was blamed for every horrible thing that happened in the town.
  • grief

    The interesting thing about urban legends is that no one knows how they get started. Yet, somehow they are born and bring fascinating history with them. I watched this television show, Mysteries Unknown, for the first time today; they featured a relatively unknown urban legend, “The Black Aggie.” If you ever decide to visit Washington, D.C., ...
  • swing

    If you are in the mood to see something creepy one night, drive-by Maple Hill Cemetery in Huntsville, Alabama. It is one of the most haunted cemeteries; well, the playground next to it is. Witnesses have reported seeing swings moving by themselves. Passerby’s had heard the laughter of children when there were no children. Visitors ...
  • yeti

    Bigfoot, Yeti, Sasquatch, Skunk Ape, and Grass Man are a few names we call this furry humanoid creature. There have been sightings all over the world. Videos have made their way onto Youtube and the internet. Most of the sightings in the states have come out of the Pacific Northwest. What many people don’t know ...
  • werewolf

    If you love cryptids and like to read about them, then you have heard of The Beast Of Bray Road. The first sighting of this strange beastie was on Bray Road, Wisconsin – hence the name. Bray Road is a beautiful country road near the community of Elkhorn. The year is 1949, and witnesses describe the creature ...
  • Demon Dog

    When you think of West Virginia and cryptids, the Mothman comes to mind. The Mothman is the most popular cryptid in West Virginia, with sightings reported since the 1960s. Point Pleasant, West Virginia, is home to this beastie. There is a statue of the Mothman in downtown Point Pleasant. I wrote an earlier article about ...
  • Mothman

    There is a lot of documentation on Bigfoot and many sightings reported. I wanted to write about a cryptid not as well-known. So, after my research, I found "Batsquatch."
  • pterodactyl

    Last week’s article was Virginia’s Vampires, which I enjoyed writing. However, I skipped Vermont in the process. So, this week’s article on Vermont’s The Awful is out of sequence in my travel series.  What a name to label a cryptid with; The Awful. Witnesses describe the cryptid as looking similar to a griffin. This legendary creature has ...