• dogman

    There have been Bigfoot sightings from all over the United States. It seems every state has a Bigfoot, which makes sense for the numerous sightings.  What is surprising is there is one cryptid that is reported more times than Bigfoot. This blaring statement came from an online news site, The Vintage News. Timera Media owns ...
  • DoverDemon

    Massachusetts has a history of cryptids running loose in the wooded forests. The most exciting fact is that witnesses reported seeing a couple of these critters for only a short time. Vast dense forests is a trademark of Massachusetts, and Bigfoot loves to hide in them. It’s not unusual for Bigfoot sightings, but there was ...
  • Wessie the Snake

    Maine is reputed to be the outdoor state. If you love hiking, camping, and boating, then Maine is the state for you. The Pine Tree State is known for its vast forests and is the perfect hiding spot for Bigfoot. So, when it came to researching cryptids, I thought I would find a bigfoot monster. ...
  • Rocky Mountain Nimerigar

    Two weeks ago, I wrote an article about the Illinois Wolfman, skipping Idaho.  I went back and researched Idaho for this week and found a great story. Early November, I had written an article titled Hawaii’s Little People. The article was on Hawaii’s Menehune, which is a civilization of pygmies. The story was when the ...
  • Hawaii's Little People

    Hawaii is on my bucket list of places to visit: lush tropical forests; mild breezes from the ocean; an active volcano and lots of history and lore. Hawaii is overflowing with fascinating cryptids. There is Mo’o, a guardian dragon entwined with Hawaii’s culture. It is a fantastic legend, and I will write about it later. ...
  • Georgia's Loch Ness Monster

    Meet the Altamaha-ha, and yes, that is a mouthful. We have run the gamut in cryptids with this weekly series. There have been mothmen, devil dogs, creepy children with melon heads. We even had land whales swallowing tourists whole as it slid down the mountainside. When I research these crazy cryptids, I try and choose ...
  • Mothman

    I have been trying to do a cryptid for each state. Then I come across a great story, and I get sidetracked. If you are into cryptids, then you have heard of the Mothman. Point Pleasant, West Virginia, first reported the winged cryptid with its infamous history. So, it is surprising to hear reports of ...
  • goblin-4747149_1280

    There is a wide variety of cryptids existing in the United States.  Mermaids, BigFoot, Melon Heads, and even cat-like creatures. I came across the legend of Delaware’s Pukwudgie, except it isn’t just in Delaware. This myth is all across the Eastern United States and Canada. It is also too good of a story to pass ...
  • expression

    I love horror movies. Not the gore and slasher type movies that seem to be popular today. Genuine scary movies like the original Halloween and the remake Halloween.  The horror movie The Hills Have Eyes reminds me of this week’s cryptid article. The movie’s plot is mutant creatures created from nuclear testing. My essay is about Connecticut’s Melon Heads. The ...
  • Slide-Rock Bolter

    Colorado is a beautiful state known for its winter activities, snow-covered trails, and pine-scented evergreen trees. The state is known for the majestic Rocky Mountains, and when you think of potential cryptid monsters? The forest is dark and scary because the sun’s light can’t penetrate the thick canopy of tall pines. Strange and fearful creatures ...