Author: Shannon Richards
The Line of Duty
Memories of the previous night danced across Luna’s mind and settled in the pit of her stomach. She discovered from the station logs that ...Love at First Sight
The hard blow fell across her back from behind. “Get fucked by a Beluvian tocar!” Luna swore at the offender. Her electric orange outposter splashed down her ...Christmas Visit
The crash is so loud; I hear it above the buzz of my kids’ electric toothbrushes. My five-year-old Sasha gasps, sending white spittle flying ...Ularma’s Rings
Of course, it produced no change in temperature, but when the dust from the ring system pelted Ularma’s Orbital Station, it sounded like a ...Curse of the Topaz
A skeleton dances when the front door swings open, drawing my latest customer inside. I go overboard decorating, but this season is the bread ...Star Grazers: Return
Peris and Alfie sat facing each other on Nor’s ribs, their feet dangling. They continued to orbit the yellow star while Nor lapped at ...Star Grazers: Defiance
Peris couldn’t remember feeling more relieved than she did when Nor disengaged from the rusty hatch and they put the whole dirty-minded, overheated space ...Star Grazers: Vega
They could always feel the difference at the heliopause where they stopped riding the system’s solar winds and Nor could stretch herself out and ...Star Grazers: Ascension
Peris stood on the brink of the cliff and reached out with her mind while she held her lightstick over the chasm. Stray orange pebbles skittered into ...