Author: Xander S. Lee
Institution – Free-Verse Poem
veins distended and muscles taut the pressure mounts upon my head and my skull caves in black thoughts swirl and unfurl my tongue madness ...- EnvironmentSelf-Help & RelationshipsHealth & WellnessMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & GardenLifestyleCultureCreativityParenting & Family
Modern Haiku – Vol. 1
1. sunlight pours through a curtained window – he sighs 2. she moans: her skin sweats in summer’s heat 3. she rubs her abdomen ... Our Gods, Our Husks – Free-Verse Poem
the cold eyes of envy placed upon thee to shiver in the veins and arrest thy heart, thy steps in thine place strips of ...Part II – Free-Verse Poem
a twist in your gut marks this violent path a heartbeat taken a breath driven out his smile shadows your memories and the blood ...- CreativityEnvironmentSelf-Help & RelationshipsHealth & WellnessPoetryMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & Garden
Survivor’s Pledge – A Free-Verse Poem
darlings, remember, the dark shapes hiding in the night friendly enemies fornicating your good nature they peek out from under your bed, creep beneath ... The Lost One – Part Two
Kelgen sat with his legs crossed on the edge of the dead forest where he found Jethus. Branches like twisted arms wrestled in a ...The Lost One – Part One
Kelgen stood amidst a dying forest, barren in the coming autumn, and looked up. Jethus hung by his neck from the branch of a ...- TravelScience & TechnologyCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsEnvironmentFictionHome & Garden
At Journey’s End – A Short Fiction
Adrift in the cold empty of space, white dots twinkling amidst the black, a ship floated as a carcass would down river. Its single ... - LifestyleCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsFictionMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & Garden
Burn Memory Burn
A dying fire burns in the hearth, grey smoke unfurling and twisting into the open air. Dust particles alight beneath the breaking of a ...