Bellow Of Love

You have cried for many reasons.
Now if you bellow, I hope it is always in joy.
If you do, cry out in pain I hope you allow me to ease that pain.
Bellow, let the river of grief, gripe, and pain dry up for you.
Turn all the cracks, and breaks you’ve endured let become a solid foundation for you to stand strong upon.
You have cried for many reasons.
The bow of your childhood has long since faded.
Memories take the shape of your tears and laugh lines.
Hold out your hand no longer, waiting for someone to grab hold.
I’ll grab hold and never let you go.
You have cried for many reasons.
If you cry out now, I hope it’s always in joy.
We can’t expect the light to always be present,- but you can always expect me to be there-in darkness or light.
If you must shoutout in pain or grief, know that I’ll always be there to take the sting out.
So bellow away if that’s what you need to release your pain-filled past.
Below, let the river of grief, gripe, and pain dry up for you.
You have cried many tears.
Turn all the cracks and breaks into solid ground for yourself.
Take my hand, and let’s rise above the dark into the light.
Lets’ you and I embrace the bright lights of our love for eternity.