How Your Body Benefits With No Alcohol for 30 Days

Most people like to indulge in a drink or two from time to time. Many social events are based around alcohol. Some people are not bothered by never consuming a drink. Whatever your preference, have you ever wondered what effect not drinking for a mere 30 days would have on your body? There are many health benefits that take place in your body by just cutting out alcohol for one month’s time.
1. Better Sleep

Many people say that consuming alcohol helps them to sleep. This may be true, but it does not get you a good night’s rest. The quality of your sleep will improve when cutting out alcohol. When you consume alcohol, your body’s two main sleep stages are affected. The REM and the slow-wave sleep stages; both are vital to helping to improve your brain function and physical well-being. Better sleep also means that you will have more energy, and your mood will significantly increase.
2. Liver Function

Even just having the recommended amount of drinks per day or week can still take a toll on your liver. The liver can become “fatty” and not be able to remove as many toxins from your body. When you drink, it uses all its energy to remove the alcohol, leaving additional toxins in the body that would be removed if it was not working so hard to clear the alcohol out of your system. The liver also metabolizes fats and excessive hormones, which are both vital to your body functioning properly.
3. Weight Loss

Most alcohol is high in calories. Drinking also lowers your awareness of the foods you are eating, making it much easier to eat foods you generally would not consume. Alcohol also reduces the speed at which your body metabolizes. It is working on breaking down the alcohol first, and that leaves the fats and sugars burn off at a much slower rate.
4. Better Skin

The consumption of alcohol dehydrates your body and makes your skin dry and more prone to breakouts. When your body is dehydrated, the dehydration affects your skin’s natural color and texture. Your face will hold more water, making it look bloated from trying to hold onto the water that it can. Alcohol takes the place of water in your body, and the body expels it as urine instead of holding onto the water and keeping your body hydrated.
5. Reduce Long Term Health Problems

By not drinking alcohol, you can reboot your cardiovascular system. It keeps your heart healthier. Not consuming alcohol reduces your risk of getting different types of cancers and possibly even diabetes. Even just 30 days will help improve your long-term health benefits.
The bottom line is drinking alcohol in moderation is key to staying healthy. If you want to give your body, especially your heart and liver, a much-needed break, then for 30 days, not consuming alcohol can significantly improve your health.