I Made You Dinner
Can you still taste full-bodied trust on your tongue when you’re lying there seared in your own guts? Because I made you dinner ...From the Hero Who Lost
One hour and thirty minutes ago, my life was normal. Then he walked in, and everything exploded. I don’t mean that metaphorically. I’m not ...Chapter 2 : If You Weren’t A Pirate, I’d Still Have My Head
You can read chapter one of the story here. People always said that when you die you finally feel at peace. You are no ...The Intruder: A 300 Word Thriller
Bllrrrrt! Blrrt! Cruuncchh! I jolted awake. My eyes sprang open, and I scanned my lake house bedroom. An apparent power outage obliterated all lighting, ...The Super Life
Imagine having the opportunity to pick out five superpowers. What would you choose and why? Would you use them for selfish reasons or selfless ...Don’t Be Like Will
Me Before You by Jojo Moyes is one of my favorite books, even though I hate how it ends. The novel focuses on the ...Cascade Falls – Part Five
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four Trigger warning: graphic sexual content and violence Morning light trickled through leaves and dispersed what was ...A Writer’s Ghost
Her nights could be described by gum wrappers and empty Styrofoam cups, strewn across her desk. Next to these was an overflowing trash can, pizza ...- Health & WellnessScience & TechnologyMediaParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsFictionHome & Garden
An Imagined Future Part 3: The Overview Effect
Author’s Note: Quote by James B Irwin of the Apollo 15 mission Simply put, this is the end. No, dear reader, this isn’t one ... Just Desserts Part I
Royal greetings were always the same at the palace. The essential staff (Guards, and the royal servants that would attend to the guests in ...