A Creative’s Journey
The beaten path is not for me The trail laid out by those before To walk along and see the marks Of the more ...Scotland’s Heretic Queen
What wretchedness ‘Tis to be born the wrong sex ‘Specially, so if one’s royalty and that’s what befell Queen Mary of Scotland just a ...Ode To Books
Knowledge and ideas abound within the pages can be found the smell of ink conjuring images in a blink journey to distant lands all ...Reality Lies
The pendulum swings- delicate life. When goodness usurps, both blades of the knife. Nostalgia-when happiness, seeming so clear yet, soon the non wounded slashes ...- Memoir & AutobiographiesHome & GardenEntertainmentEnvironmentLifestyleCreativityParenting & FamilyPoetry
Dandy Dogs
In my life are dogs who give coffee-time cuddles and furry follows. Their bright eyes and wagging tails bring complete joy to my soul. - Parenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsPoetryMemoir & AutobiographiesEnvironmentHealth & WellnessLifestyleCultureCreativity
Curtain Call
Fingertips of day are losing their grip. Pink horizons darken the sound of a saxophone fades. Stars poke through the black curtain like pinholes ... - LifestyleEnvironmentCultureCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsPoetryMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & Garden
Whispering Wombs: A Villanelle Poem
Whispering wombs of our mothers where we once swam in amniotic fluid life force like no others Guided by the lined hands of ...