Night Howl

The room was dark as Jessica opened the laboratory door. The sound of heavy breathing made the darkened room eerie. Just as Jessica stepped into the room, the laboratory lights turned on and made the eerie breathing turned into a howling noise.
In the middle of the white laboratory, there was a man bounded into a white stretched bed. He kicked and squirmed as it bound him to the stretcher bed, tied with chains wrapped around his arms and legs. He growled at the two doctors as they started inching their way towards him.
“That’s close enough,” said the professor. Jessica was in a state of terror as she looked at the man tied to the chair. His eyes were bloodshot red, and his teeth were dangerously sharp, and there was blood dripping from his mouth.
“Make sure you record everything, Jessica…” Her professor whispered to her. She could feel the chills running down her spine, and her hands were shaking as she tried to hold the camcorder. Her heart raced as she tried to record the man growling and snarling in the chair. The chains were thrashing tightly about as the man violently tried to get up from his restraints. It startled Jessica as her professor jumped in front of the camcorder.
”This is day thirteen of the ’Genesis’ experiment.” The professor looked deeply terrified as he tried to get his composure.
”The test subject has shown some unusual side effects to the treatment we have been injecting into his system.
”The serum was to heighten his senses and give him unusual strength, but I fear we were mistaken by our database, and our test subject is now reacting differently to the serum.”
Jessica could not compress her fear any longer. The man that was strapped to the table now howled like a wolf in pain. Blood spat out of his mouth, and his jaw expanded from his face. He was trying to escape from his restraints, and he was howling and snarling at the people that were inside the room.
The professor looked on in horror as the wolf-like man ripped through the chains, trying to get the professor from where he was standing. Jessica screamed in terror as the man got up from the bed stretcher and leaped to the two doctors who kept him in that room for so long. These experiments were making the young man become this monster, a creature he never wanted to be. They forced him into this government experiment, and now he was paying for it with his own life.
He lunged in the air at the professor and ripped out his throat. The professor gurgled in pain as he held on to his own throat. The blood started gushing all over the floor and the rest of the white walls of the room.
Jessica ran from her spot in the room, trying to reach the door. Once there, she turned the knob, but it would not open. The door locked, and there was no way for her to get out of there. She felt her heart beating fast as she tried to get away from the man standing in front of her.
The beast made its way to her and extended his hand. He grabbed Jessica across the neck and ripped out her vocal cords. She had no time to scream or plea for help. He quickly grabbed the top of Jessica’s head and detached it from her body in one quick motion.
The wolf creature that was once a man stood in the middle of the room with blood splattered all over the walls and the smell of death lingering in the air howled into the dimly lit room. The lights slowly flickered, then the room went into total darkness.