Tag: artificial intelligence
Refresh: How They Came to Be – Part Three
Read Part One Read Part Two — Armed guards broke down the door and came in single file, breaking off to cover the room. Their laser-sighted weapons pinpointed the heads of both Wex and Paragon. The two raised their hands as a show of surrender. Remus walked in behind them. His face held an edge of disappointment. ...- CultureEntertainmentDesign, Fashion & StyleCreativityParenting & FamilyFictionCurrent Affairs & PoliticsScience & Technology
Refresh: How They Came To Be – Part Two
Content Warning: Graphic sexual content Read: Part One His heart railed against his chest as though it wanted to escape. The gun felt weighted, heavy enough where the point of the muzzle dipped. But he did not shake. And there, Remus Harbor stood, all smiles, and a blank slate behind grey eyes. He revealed nothing. ... Refresh: How They Came To Be – Part One
A dark that felt hollow. An emptiness so devoid, beyond the recognition of time and space. A night which does not stir, does not sleep, does not know anything of the sun. This is the Limbo before Creation. In the bowels of the deep world, a god reached into Limbo and grasped upon the designs ...A-commerce Revolution
A-commerce is not new. In fact, you’ve undoubtedly experienced it a few times with self-checkouts in retail outlets or when suggestions are made based on what you view while shopping online. A-commerce, or Automated Commerce, refers to the automation–and often–customization of a consumer’s retail experience through the use of devices, big data, algorithms, deep learning, ...