Tag: birds
The Crow’s Weighty Mission
Why is the crowCarrying such a large twig?It is not nest building time. Maybe a strengthening rod,To help hold the new chicksIn their cozy cradles? Or a protection stickTo help ward offThe feral predators? Whatever the reason,His tenacious flightIs a weighty mission! Editor: Erynn CrittendenThe Mystery of Cash Castle: Part 10
Hikari exits the taxi with her luggage, tips her driver, and walks to where the directions on her map lead to the castle. She happily sighs as she listens to the birds singing in the palm trees. I can hardly wait to see Mr. Cash, Hikari thinks to herself. This meeting is the thing that ...Backyard Theater: Scene Four – Winter Finale
Winter is the time of year that brings the birds together, making for the perfect backyard theater. We can fill the feeder on Monday, and by Thursday, it is nearly empty. The sheer number of birds that we feed is astounding. They come in hordes throughout the day. The tufted titmice and chickadees generally take ...Backyard Theater – Scene Three
Scene Three – Autumn A Humming Goodbye: As summer slides into autumn, we say goodbye to some residents and hello to others. Inevitably, our backyard theater changes with the season. Heidi and Henry hummingbird take their last sips of sugar water by mid-September and migrate to their winter home. I like to keep sugar water ...Backyard Theater – Scene Two
SCENE TWO – SUMMER A Tufted Family: One highlight of summer is my back patio. It is the perfect setting for our backyard theater. We have two grills for cooking out, a table with an umbrella for shade, and many flowers. Sitting outside in the evenings is most relaxing. Many of the nesting birds have ...Devil’s Candy
A sweets shop’s bells jingle as the young girl enters. The front counter has jars filled with bullseyes and boiled mints. The wall has candy bars and gum. The young girl looks outside the window. It is beginning to get dark outside, with only several rays of sunlight remaining. Several children run by outside, anxious ...Cuckoo
The pendulum’s swaying shadow kept in time to the sound. Silence echoed around the room. Darkness remained dormant within the clock. Twelve figures awaited the blessings the noble bird would give them. Above them, she stood silent, overlooking the minuscule villagers of its realm. The figures worshipped the noble bird for its intelligence and compassion. ...