• 2094

    I’ve been wracking my brain for a couple weeks on what to write. This is my first article on our new Coffee House Writers platform, and it will set the tone for all that is to come from me. Do I start with a fiction story? A poem? An amusing list? After participating in NaNoWriMo, ...
  • 1705

    I would like to say thank you to all the wonderful people on the writing team known as the “Coffee House Writers”. I met the leader of our team about a year ago. What struck me immediately was her love of animals, which is something that the two of us have in common. From there, ...
  • 1971

    You can accomplish more than you think you can. Growing up as an anxious child and dealing with anxiety in my teen and young adult years, I never thought I would be a good leader. I was always the quiet one in the background that no one noticed, and many times, that’s how I preferred ...