In Deep Water: Chapter 13

- In Deep Water: Chapter 1
- In Deep Water: Chapter 2
- In Deep Water: Chapter 3
- In Deep Water: Chapter 4
- In Deep Water: Chapter 5
- In Deep Water: Chapter 6
- In Deep Water: Chapter 7
- In Deep Water: Chapter 8
- In Deep Water: Chapter 9
- In Deep Water: Chapter 10
- In Deep Water: Chapter 11
- In Deep Water: Chapter 12
- In Deep Water: Chapter 13
- In Deep Water: Chapter 14
“Is that what I think it is?” I lean forward in my chair, squinting at the computer screen.
A sharp object protrudes from a piece of the Griffin’s jagged hull, forming a slim V as it tapers into steel. Its stony appearance is a stark contrast to the corroded metal beneath. The ROV zooms in close and tries to pull the item free.
“If your guess is a tooth, then yes.” Sophie frowns. “Is there any way we can estimate its length?”
“Yeah, actually.” Nathan double clicks on an imaging software, the soft tapping of the keys echoing around the silent room. “This will only take a couple of minutes.”
“More Lucas Tech?” I glance at Xander.
He smirks at me. “What else is there, Em?”
“I know, only the best.” I heave a sigh.
Xander chuckles, rubbing his temples. “Let’s just hope we can figure this out.”
Sophie worries her lip between her teeth.
The desktop beeps, and the image of the tooth enhances. A vertical line appears next to it.
“It’s almost a foot long.” Nathan squints an eye. “What animal has teeth that size?”
“A shark?” Xander offers.
I shake my head. “Shark teeth are more triangular.”
“What about an orca?” Nathan runs a hand across the scruff on his cheek.
Sophie purses her lips. “Too big.”
“Well, what’s big enough to leave a tooth like that?” Nathan’s eyebrows lift, forming two small divots in his forehead.
“Xander.” Sophie chews the inside of her cheek. “What books you got on this ship?”
Xander quirks a blonde brow. “What kind do you need?”
“The ones with dinosaurs.” Sophie runs her hand through her brown hair.
“You suppose that’s from a dinosaur?” Nathan frowns at her.
She shrugs. “It’s the only thing that tracks with teeth that large.”
“Guess that means we’re going to the library!” I shimmy in my seat.
“Yes,” Xander nods. “You two do that. Nathan and I will continue sorting through the footage.”
I stand, grabbing a pack of Twizzlers, and move to the door. “I’ve been waiting for the opportunity to check out the library for ages.”
“You and me both, Em.” Sophie blows out a breath as she pushes the button for the elevator.
Sophie and I step into the lift as the soft chime sounds its arrival. I press the dial for deck seven and we ascend.
“What makes you believe it was a dinosaur?” I lean against the wall and watch the numbers above the door.
“I’ve taken a few paleontology classes the past couple of semesters.” Sophie bites her nails and shrugs. “There’s something familiar about that tooth that I can’t quite put my finger on.”
The elevator opens and we enter to the sounds of movies and game play. A crewmember cheers from his spot at a game of Yahtzee. Turning toward the stern of the ship, we wander through a maze of arcade games to a set of large oak double doors.
I sigh, shoving them both open. “Home, sweet home.”
The slight musty scent of paper hits me first and then I’m staring at an ocean of literature. Rows of shelves extend into infinity. A lady in cat-eye glasses sits at a broad desk in the center of it all, her gaze intent on the screen in front of her. Tables and chairs dot the spaces surrounding the area, offering plenty of room for reading and relaxation.
“I’m in love,” Sophie whispers.
I bob my head in agreement.
“Excuse me.” Sophie approaches the lady at the desk. “We’re looking for anything on dinosaurs.”
“Fiction or non-fiction?” Cat-eyes doesn’t look up from her monitor.
“Non-fiction, please.” Sophie glances at me.
“Row thirteen.” The librarian gestures to the row on the furthest left side.
“Thank you!” Sophie and I stroll to the shelves, counting out the numbers on each.
Sophie skims the titles, grabbing a handful. “She’s a peach.”
“I was just thinking the same thing!” I grab a stack of my own and stumble to the nearest table.
Sophie giggles, setting her load next to mine. “Alright, let’s get this party started.”
“Yes.” I flip open ‘Dinosaurs’ of the Deep: Discover Prehistoric Marine Life by Larry Verstraete and begin reading.
Sophie peruses her stack. “You know that’s a children’s book, right?”
“Sure do. But look how pretty it is!” I smile, propping up the volume so she can see the pictures.
Sophie chuckles before burying her nose into a guide about prehistoric toothed whales.
After ten minutes of reading, I sigh. “This would go a lot quicker if we had the internet.”
“Preach,” Sophie huffs.
Twenty minutes elapse before I grab the next text from my pile and start skimming its contents. I stifle a yawn.
“Found it!” With a loud bang, Sophie drops her tome on the table. “I knew it looked familiar.”
I lean over to see what she’s talking about. “What the hell is a Livyatan?”
Editor: Shannon Hensley