• United states flag

    Everywhere I go,I see destruction. Right or left,Up or down. Righteous or wicked,Free or enslaved. “None of it matters,You don’t matter” Is their motto,In our paradise. Double standard,Is their logic. In our country,Hateful and Jaded. Brainwashed,Deluded. Hypocritical,Prideful. “Surely not,My good sir!” You protest,In defense. Wake up!Wake up! For hate and evil,Exists in all men. Stereotypes ...
  • Image of a smoke filled dystopian world with a person surviving in a hot air ballon.

    What do you see?Upon my lonelyFace streakedWith tears A victim?A believer?DespiteThe pain A survivor?A villain?DespiteTragedy What do you see?When I walkAmong usHumans A hero?A saint?DespiteHorrors Strong?Weak?In sightOf all OpinionsLabelsPinnedUpon me A womanCrying outFellow menLabeled toxic A writerTrying toWrite andBelieve What do you think?Glancing uponA lonely soulIn society Among labelsStereotypesJudgmentRacism Among opinionsDividingOne fromAnother Mental illnessDisabilitiesEasily seenYet ...
  • 1351

    Pet peeves — those little annoyances that get under our skin, and we just can’t ignore them, no matter how hard we try. We all have pet peeves. If you don’t have any pet peeves, you’re one of those people who are tolerant of everyone and everything. A rarity, or is it ignorance? Ignorance is ...