Tag: Execution
Scotland’s Heretic Queen
What wretchedness ‘Tis to be born the wrong sex ‘Specially, so if one’s royalty and that’s what befell Queen Mary of Scotland just a wee lass crowned at six months old harried over the border to her betrothed Francis petted and pampered beautiful Queen of France. Though the fates would deny this union of happy ...- CultureCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsMemoir & AutobiographiesEntertainmentHealth & Wellness
I Fell In Love With A Pirate Princess, And All I Got Was A Lousy Execution
My charge, Anastasia, always says, “People do crazy things when they are in love.” Her impromptu trips to Earth turned her into a hopeless romantic. She always brings back these hologram movies where the girl is stuck in this impossible situation, and her true love can save her. I’ve always assured her that her husband ...