Tag: Germany
Parallel Journeys: More Than Just A Book
Parallel Journeys by Eleanor Ayer is a biographical book about two people who grew up only a few miles from each other. Helen Waterford was a young German Jew. As Hitler began to rise to power, she was able to hide in Amsterdam. Alfons Heck was a fanatic believer in Hitler and the “master race.” ...- LifestyleEnvironmentNonfictionCurrent Affairs & PoliticsCultureMediaMemoir & AutobiographiesEntertainment
The Wood Tiger
The Class of 1974. Eighteen and fresh outta high school, I was just as confused as the world around me. Old school parents said marriage and kids, not college, for women like me. This was not my vision, but soon my reality. It took 50 years to get what I wanted. Never give up on ... - EnvironmentHealth & WellnessParenting & FamilyHome & GardenTravelCurrent Affairs & PoliticsCultureLifestyle
COVID-19—Protect Yourself
COVID-19 has changed our world in scary ways. But no one can protect you better than yourself, and knowledge is the best way to do that. Here are the current facts and recommendations that will help keep you safe. CURRENT STATE OF THE WORLD At the end of May, the world moved toward business as ...