• person screaming

    Read previous chapters of Infected here. Hadera ran into the parking lot with blood dripping down her face. Her heart was beating so fast that it felt like it was about to burst from her chest. Her vivid illusions were getting out of hand. She ran through the park cars trying to get to safety. ...
  • person screaming

    Read previous chapters of Infected here. The tears just kept on coming. Hadera sat at her computer desk, and she could not stop the sobs that escaped from her chest. The person she cared for the most was now dead, and there was no answer to what happened to him. All Hadera could think about ...
  • person screaming

    The late evening sky was clear as Hadria sat at the far end of the New York City subway car. There was no one in the dingy lit car with her as she tried to avoid dozing off to sleep and missing her stop. The train conductors muffled voice announced the next stop. Hadria stood ...
  • person screaming

    Infected: Chapter 1 Infected: Chapter 2 The air was brisk and dry as Braden stepped out into the open city air. He wrapped his jacket around his bulky frame as he walked along the sidewalk and looked down at the city ground. A few people were walking along the evening New York City streets as ...
  • person screaming

    “Hadera, you okay?” A stocky man asked one of his longtime colleagues. Hadera jolted from her spot at her workstation as she looked up at the gentleman that startled her. “Oh um…yea, I’m fine. Just…I’m just really tired,” Hadera lied as she tried to adjust herself in her seat. Truth be told, she wasn’t feeling ...
  • person screaming

    “Somebody help!” A curdling scream came from a young girl’s lips. “Somebody, please! Help me!” The young girl thrashed and jolted in her restraints. She was bound to a metal chair and was screaming at the top of her lungs. Her blonde hair was stuck to her face as sweat came beaming down her face, ...
  • 1183

    “Today’s the day.” He sits on the edge of his bed, expecting his hands to shake and become slimy with sweat. He expects to hear and feel the pounding of his heart in his ears. He expects an adrenaline rush that causes the pupils to dilate, and the world to become a hazy bottleneck as ...