Tag: Holiday Decorations
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The Magic Of Christmas
It’s the day after Thanksgiving. The dishes done, the leftovers put away, and the table is back to normal. The last week I busied myself with cooking recipes that only get made once a year and writing in NaNoWriMo. I surprised myself by keeping to a writing schedule—something I haven’t done in a long while. ... Gingerbread House
Granting passage for unseasonal sadness In the midst of Christmas cheer No one sees the tears. Granting Goodwill to all who pass Emptiness like shattered glass Riddled with mixed emotions. Brightness, gaiety, holiday goods, Retailers hawking promotions. Evergreens and decorations Abundant garland and bows unfurled, Delusional visions of a perfect world. Happiness, hurriedness, harried and ...December Is The Month Of Christmas
Where October makes me think of fall and Halloween, December makes me think of winter and Christmas. Not Christmas the religious holiday, but the spiritof the holiday. Just as there is an aura or feeling that comes with Halloween, there is such a feeling for December too. I was living in State College, Pennsylvania one ...