Tag: hospital
Roar With Resilience
I have the privilege of being both a pediatric nurse and a mom. With 11 years of hospital bedside experience in the pediatric intensive unit, I encounter a range of patients and families. Each meeting is unique and special in its own way. Something new I learn every shift, is how to foster resilience in ...Choice and Control
Little ones seek independence. This desire is met with making decisions for themselves. Allowing children to choose instills a sense of control over their life and body. This is important inside the home as well as inside the hospital. The key is to determine what their choices can be. Choices at home At home, asking ...Sleep To Heal
Obtaining quality sleep is a challenge. Factor in alarms, excessive noise, artificial illumination, and people waking you up, the idea of getting any shut-eye sounds impossible. Bodies need rest and an opportunity to reset. In the hospital, it is paramount to recovery. Hindrances Hospitals hinder relaxation due to functioning as a 24-hour workforce. Patients are ...Three Hour Tylenol
Why does it feel like it takes forever and a day to acquire pain relief while in the hospital? I have knowledge of bedside nursing in the ICU and the ER. Patients suffer from aches in each specialty area. The period between asking for alleviation and receiving oral or intravenous prescriptions varies depending on protocols, ...Village of Nurses
It takes a village. A common phrase when speaking of raising kids. I believe it also applies to nursing. Nurses have many roles in healthcare. More than the departments that they work in: emergency room, ICU, home health. Hospital workers have unique personalities that join together and create a community. There is no one-size-fits-all for ...Sleep Like Contortionists
The photo above is of my daughter sleeping. Yes, she is half on the couch, half standing, and fully snoozing. I have several pictures of my little ones in surprising slumber stations. When they are in bed and I check in on them later in the night, I giggle because kids can doze like contortionists. ...No More Flowers
Hospitals are not always a fun place to be. Visitors liven the place up and make a sterile room more welcoming. As a bedside nurse with 10 years of experience, I witness a plethora of gifts for patients and see how presents elevate the spirit of the sick. Flowers are among the top choice for ...Connect Through Hospital Walls
It is a challenge for patients in the hospital to connect with loved ones outside. When there is a sibling at home, the challenge is twofold. As a nurse with ten years of experience in the pediatric intensive care unit, I often see parents wanting to bring siblings to visit. Sometimes visits are feasible, other ...- EntertainmentCurrent Affairs & PoliticsLifestyleCultureNonfictionCreativityParenting & FamilyScience & TechnologyHealth & Wellness
Strange Medicine: Hospital Hauntings
Welcome to Strange Medicine—a series of nonfiction articles based on recent journal-published, peer-reviewed case studies, review articles, meta-studies, scientific studies, and primary literature. Each relates to events that made the medical community’s eyes widen and scratch their heads, though, please note that all are significant toward scientific and medical progress because they also forced us ... Insight From The Essential Workers of Coronavirus (NJ)
Coronavirus has been affecting everyone around the world differently. I believe that our emotions and thoughts of the virus differ based on the roles we currently hold in society. “Essential workers” are those who have been working on the frontlines, exposed to society and the virus, who are risking their health, the health of their ...