Tag: love
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Maleficence Scripted
What to this breeze for a mortal like man Conquering mountains, as best we can What to this shiver the winter will bring Foraging snow, what goodness will bring What to this home that I have kept quaint When seasons bring turbulent summers and spring What to this path currently on Will ... - LifestyleCultureCreativityParenting & FamilyEnvironmentSelf-Help & RelationshipsHealth & WellnessMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & Garden
Modern Haiku – Vol. 1
1. sunlight pours through a curtained window – he sighs 2. she moans: her skin sweats in summer’s heat 3. she rubs her abdomen and whispers a name 4. a child’s laughter echoes across shuttered doors 5. fires burn, people stand on the side of the road 6. she sobs on my shoulder – the ... - CultureLifestyleDesign, Fashion & StyleCreativitySelf-Help & RelationshipsPoetryMemoir & AutobiographiesEntertainment
Traumatic Truth
I stood frozen tears filled my eyes as I held my breath watching a black man take his last numbness covered my entirety what did I just see? was this man really killed in front of me? His eyes taciturn and vacant his face unflinching and callous his body his only weapon in ... Part II – Free-Verse Poem
a twist in your gut marks this violent path a heartbeat taken a breath driven out his smile shadows your memories and the blood that soiled his face when he died father’s ghost taunts you in the night where peace can find no purchase in your dreams thirstful vengeance marks your violent path bodies in ...My Fairytale Dream (A Poem)
I closed my eyes And dream Of a time of Lords and Ladies Knights that fraught for honor In my dream I see A castle upon the hill Surrounded by peril Fire-breathing dragon Within is a Princess Beautiful of fire, lock, and emerald orb …Trapped… Until one day, on the back Of a great white ...- Self-Help & RelationshipsPoetryMemoir & AutobiographiesLifestyleNonfictionTravelCreativityParenting & Family
To Whom Have I Become (Part 2)
Where were you the first time you realized there was a problem? A problem so big you couldn’t wrap your head around it? I can tell you where I was, 3,000 miles away driving away from ghosts. The first time I was 20 years old, the second 39 years old. Where was I heading, you ... Are You Living Your Dash?
I think about my loved ones who have passed very often, but there different times throughout the year that I do a great deal of reflecting as I believe that it does for anyone that experiences such a loss. I am reminded of a poem called The Dash by Linda Ellis. There are many parts ...The Lost One – Part Two
Kelgen sat with his legs crossed on the edge of the dead forest where he found Jethus. Branches like twisted arms wrestled in a constant breeze sweeping from the east. Under his breath, he recited a prayer to the Four Gods, the words tapping into a language that could only be understood when embracing magic. ...The Un-Mothering
My breast aches even though never suckled My chest is your comfortable favorite cushion They ache from not knowing My own children The young man and woman they’ve both become From not knowing their likes and dislikes Missing out on triumphs and just being there From wanting to embrace know they are safe and in ...