Tag: love
Burying her… alive?
Burying her… alive? But she’s a seed. Bound to sprout. And grow – on you too.Platinum Moments
When you dipmy body singsback archesmaking my legs fall openlike butterfly wings When you dipmy body soarsand the soft moansescaping my throatis my call for more When you diptaking a sipI bite my lipso I can controlthe swaying of my hips When you dipeverything gets quietexcept for the soundof my heartbeat in my ear And ...Wholesomeness
Your harsh wordsinfiltrate a raw nerve. I howl You cringeand disconnect. I lick a scar on the nerve. Later I soothe that ghost of a nerve,That shred of a nothinginto wholesomeness. I invite you to connect.When Are You Coming Back
I look at the doorYou’re not there. I stare at the couch,You’re not there. Closing my eyeslistening to my heartbeat,I find yousoothing,reassuring. There’s no need to ask,When are you coming back?Confessions of a Gypsy
I knew this dayWould one dayCome upon me. All aloneIn the coldGentle Breeze. The soft windCombs throughMy Auburn hair. I shiver in solitude,Believing it myEntire existence. But what should IA maiden solely beAssured by my volition? Why should I care?I walk alone withA gentle creed. “Me, myself, and I,”I say to thine own self,Fueled not ...Enigma
I see myself in you,but I’m not you. You’re magic,Awesome,Fragile,like me,but you’re not me. You’re indestructible. I’m indestructiblein a different way,because we’re unique. I see myself in you,becausewe’re both human,but our sensations,motionsand choicesdiffer. Instead ofjudgingand trying tomodifyyou,I’ll study your actionslike a stunning enigma,and see your beauty. I’m blessedto bewith you.