Tag: secret
The Mystery of Cash Castle: Part 12
Nia continues walking towards the castle, looking over her shoulder in case Flip comes from behind. While doing so, she bumps into the leaves of a large olive tree, with several of the fruits falling to the ground. She hastily picks them up and puts them to the side of the walkway, making sure they ...Platinum Moments
When you dipmy body singsback archesmaking my legs fall openlike butterfly wings When you dipmy body soarsand the soft moansescaping my throatis my call for more When you diptaking a sipI bite my lipso I can controlthe swaying of my hips When you dipeverything gets quietexcept for the soundof my heartbeat in my ear And ...- PoetryMemoir & AutobiographiesEntertainmentLifestyleDesign, Fashion & StyleCreativitySelf-Help & Relationships
Mistress Diary
I long for you in the shadows dream of you at night Wonder what you’re thinking and if your day is alright I long to snuggle up with you and keep you warm at night Long to be your coffee cups that kiss your lips just right Or replace that shiny ...