• September Calendar

    slowly the chill fills the airelegantly swapping the heat for coldpetals fall and leaves change colortender memories of years pastevening seems to arrive soonermarking the holidays to comebeneath the endless cycleenergy reserves start to shapereturning the world to the quiet
  • image of path in a forest

    The roar of the school busand excitement of Pep rallies, Friday night footballin the chilly night air  nips at naked necks and fingertipsas Autumn whispers Promises ofKaleidoscope leaves which Dance and fallA carpet of fall colors reds, yellows, and brownsCrunching under feet Autumn delightsWith hopes of Pumpkin patchesFall festivities And haunted housesCostumes and trick-or-treat Autumn ...
  • Scattered tree branches, coconuts, and other debris on the backdrop of damaged cars and trucks.

    It took only a few hours to obliterate the country. Then the skies cleared, and we crawled out of our houses on shaky limbs, fearful of what awaited us. The year was 2004, and our tiny island had been safe from catastrophe for over fifty years. One of the most destructive storms to cross the ...