Author: Amber Jenkins
Changing Tides
Comfort comes from routineHaving that steady systemAvoiding deterrentsNavigating through life on your own pathGathering your friends and familyImagining the future wondersNear and far and ...April Showers
April Showers bring May FlowersWashing away the deadLetting the ground soakQuenching the thirst of the approaching summer April showers signal the start of springWatching ...Everyday Beauty
Sometimes we forget to lookfor everyday beauty. The first sip of coffee in the morning.The smell of freshly baked bread. Some things we take ...New Horizons
nagging doubt sometimes lingersever clinging to the mindwithering the heart each day hope is always on the horizonopen doors just one turn awayready to ...A light in the sadness
sometimes things happenthat brings out the sadnessbut there is always a silver lininga path at first hard to find when one door closes, another ...Year of the Dragon
yearly renewals are meant to renewencouraging the shedding of the oldand allowing the energy of the newrevealing the future old thoughts sometimes lingerforging their ...The Newness of Years
every year dawns newcrisp chills on the wind the flowing of time as we all prepare hopes for a better futuredesire for a brighter ...New Experiences
The scent of cedar permeates the air as you stand there, watching the traffic pass you by. Your hair is pulled away from your ...Never Forget The Important Things
as the end of the year approaches,we gather with loved ones far and neargiving thanks for things that have come beforeand offering hope for ...